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The projects at a glance


Recycling, School, Company Projekt

This two-year project in Kubatana is currently in its implementation phase. With initial financial support, the project should be able to fund itself after a mere two years. Both schools and companies are involved in its implementation. The topic of plastic waste management in Highfield and Harare is already being taken to schools and aims to collect and shred waste to turn it into pellets. These are then processed into plastic products, such as irrigation pipes. This project addresses many aspects and not only has a positive effect on raising awareness for waste management among youth, but ultimately also provides jobs.


“The project has had positives on the local community by providing them with income. It is also helping them to clean up the environment they are living in. The fund provided has had an impact on how the community behaves in terms of waste disposal. We are happy to be part of this undertaking and hope to see it grow.”

Project manager, Paul Makani

Project Kubatana


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Following the first playground and sports field project realised in 2020/2021, another project is being implemented in a neighbouring village of Harare. The project is currently in the implementation phase.


Pupils from socially disadvantaged families continue to be supported in order to provide them with a school education and open the doors to a successful future.




The Team Up to Clean Up Project was highly successful the past few years, not only because of the results of its regular waste collection campaigns, but also because the activities yielded a strong community and the awareness of the inhabitants for a clean environment was raised. Since, unfortunately, no one in the region takes care of waste collection, it is organised by the team's own initiatives. In addition, tree planting campaigns also take place in the region on an ongoing basis. These campaigns as part of Team Up to Clean Up will be supported also in the next years.




Considering that playing is one of the main aspects of a child's life, in December 2020, on Christmas Eve and as a very special gift to the children of the community in Mbare, a playground and a sports field were opened, launched with our help. Construction and revitalisation work started in August 2020. Previously, this area had been heavily contaminated and cluttered. Today, local and neighbourhood children and teens can play the most popular sport the community on the new sports field, and residents can enjoy the newly constructed "tyre grand stands." Located right next to it is the new, brightly painted playground for the area's younger residents. This resort has a daycare centre as well as childcare and shelter services. It was a very nice way that the project team went with additional volunteers and the result is accepted in the community full of joy. It is very important for human development that our younger generations can feel safe, dream big, and thrive socially, intellectually, and emotionally.




Support of the LUHNA Summer Week – 3 weeks for 4 to 16 year-olds from the region – for environmental project topics initiated by us: Upcycling – ZeroWaste – Future